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How can I cache Sonar plugins in Azure DevOps Pipelines so that they don't download everytime the pipeline runs?

I use the Sonar tasks in my Azure DevOps pipeline to run static analysis on my code, but I would like to avoid having the pipeline download the plugins everytime the pipeline runs.

I think I could use the Cache task but I'm not sure how should I configure it.


  • I was facing the same issue. My pipeline was downloading the Sonar plugins every time and taking about 40~60 seconds.

    I was able to cache the plugins through the .sonar/cache folder and decrease the download time to around 8~12 seconds.


      SONAR_PLUGINS: /home/vsts/.sonar/cache
      - task: Cache@2
          key: sonar | "$(Agent.OS)" | $(Build.Repository.Name)
          path: $(SONAR_PLUGINS)
        displayName: cache sonar plugins