Sorry for my english but i have a question
I want to make a easy password check on python in anaconda3
Now i need a loop who finaly stopp when the password is corect, and if don't, he print "Wrong password" and ask again. That should be in the enterPasswort funtion, caus i will need it later again.
Thanks for your help :)
Maybe someone have an Idea, that the password have only five trys and than it locks for 5 minutes. No problem when no one have a answer on this, but it would be a great bonus.
tries = 0#this will be the counter variable that will determin how much times
#we tried the password
password = input("choose a password: ")#lets user choos password
while tries < 5:#while he tried less than five times
sign_in = input("what is your password?")#ask the passowrd
if sign_in == password:#if sighn in which is what user said = to password which is the passowrd say signed in
print("signed in succesfully")
else:#if not
if tries >= 4:#if he trie to much times
print("you tried signing in to many times!")# tell him and block
else:#if not tell him and loop goes again
print("wrong password trie again")
tries += 1 #or tries = tries + 1#calculte how uch he tried and loop again