Search code examples

Select data from tables when needed columns are stored as records in a different table

An app is developed where a user picks what data he wants to see in a report. Having data as


ID TableName ColumnName
1 customer first_name
2 address zip_code


ID first_name last_name address_id
1 joe powell 1
2 andy smith 2


ID street zip_code
1 main ave. 48521
2 central str. 56851

is it possible using generic SQL mechanisms (PIVOT, UNPIVOT or other way) to select such data from only specified table.column pairs in DataValues table as rows so the query is compatible with SQL Server and Oracle and is not using dynamic execution of generated statements (like EXEC(query) or EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (query) ), so the result would be like

Col1 Col2
joe 48521
andy 56851

Later SQL statement will be used in a SAP Crystal Reports reporting engine.


  • In Oracle, join the customer and address tables to every row of reportdatavalues and then use a CASE expression to correlate the expected value with the table columns and pivot:

    SELECT col1, col2
    FROM   (
    AS value_id,
             WHEN r.tablename = 'customer' AND r.columnname = 'id'
             THEN TO_CHAR(
             WHEN r.tablename = 'customer' AND r.columnname = 'first_name'
             THEN c.first_name
             WHEN r.tablename = 'customer' AND r.columnname = 'last_name'
             THEN c.last_name
             WHEN r.tablename = 'address' AND r.columnname = 'street'
             THEN a.street
             WHEN r.tablename = 'address' AND r.columnname = 'zip_code'
             THEN TO_CHAR(a.zip_code)
             END AS value
      FROM   customer c
             INNER JOIN address a
             ON = c.address_id
             CROSS JOIN ReportDataValues r
    PIVOT (
      MAX(value) FOR value_id IN (1 AS col1, 2 AS col2)

    Which, for the sample data:

    CREATE TABLE ReportDataValues (ID, TableName, ColumnName) AS
    SELECT 1, 'customer', 'first_name' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
    SELECT 2, 'address', 'zip_code' FROM DUAL;
    CREATE TABLE Customer (ID, first_name, last_name, address_id) AS
    SELECT 1, 'joe',  'powell', 1 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
    SELECT 2, 'andy', 'smith',  2 FROM DUAL;
    CREATE TABLE Address (ID, street, zip_code) AS
    SELECT 1, 'main ave.',    48521 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
    SELECT 2, 'central str.', 56851 FROM DUAL;


    COL1 COL2
    joe 48521
    andy 56851
