I created a named ranges on my Excel sheet using the function define_name()
with pd.ExcelWriter(excel_broker, engine='xlsxwriter') as writer:
# Get xlsxwriter objects
workbook = writer.book
header = workbook.add_format({'bold':True, 'border' : 1 })
format_float = workbook.add_format({'num_format': '# ###'})
takerMaker_client.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Maker Taker", index_label = ["", "", ""],
worksheet = writer.sheets['Maker Taker']
worksheet.set_column('D:E', 20, format_float)
workbook.define_name('Client', '=OFFSET(\'Maker Taker\'!$D$7,,,COUNTA(\'Maker Taker\'!$D$7:$D$1048576),)')
but when I try to create a chart on PowerPoint using the named range 'Client', I notice that it is linked to the name of my Excel File and not the name of my Excel sheet.
Is there a way to set the scope of my named range from 'Workbook' to 'Worksheet' on Python to get:
='Maker Taker'!Client
I tried the function worksheet.define_name instead of workbook.define_name but this function doesn't eist and there is no scope parameter in the function define_name
The problem is that writer.book
does represent the whole file, but its actual type and associated methods can depend on the underlying engine. As you are using workbook.define_name
which looks like the xlswriter method, I shall assume that your Pandas instance uses the xlswriter engine.
In that case, the xlswriter documentation says:
It is also possible to define a local/worksheet name by prefixing it with the sheet name using the syntax
So you should use:
workbook.define_name("'Maker Taker'!Client",
"=OFFSET('Maker Taker'!$D$7,,,COUNTA('Maker Taker'!$D$7:$D$1048576),)")
Beware: untested...