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script (.sh) doesn't write to file when it is run by the cronjob, but does when executed manually

I have a (.sh) script that:

  • Creates a file
  • Reads a(ll) XML file
  • Writes specific info to a .txt file

When I execute it manually using the ./ command, a file called autorisaties.txt is created. This file has some of the contents from the xml files.

When I run this same script from the crontab, the file is created, but it is empty (0 bytes). I have found a whole lot of different topics on this issue, and tried a few solutions:

  • I tried using >(>) and 2>&1 to write directly to the file
  • Applied some changes to the code that suppose to work (based on other topics)
  • Using full paths in the script
  • Using this piece of code in the crontab: SHELL=/bin/bash

None have yet solved the problem for me.


35 11 * * * /opt/IBM/taddm/dist/var/policy/ibmsecauthz/policy/rolemapping/AuthorizationManagerPolicyContextId_role/



#Filepath van logfile

#Kijken of logfile bestaat
if test -f "$LOGFILE"; then

        #log bestaat dus verwijder deze
        rm $LOGFILE

#log bestaat niet dus maak deze aan
touch $LOGFILE

#geef file rechten (i have been trying/playing around using different users, will prob not use this later)
chmod 777 $LOGFILE #Issue also occurs when not using chmod

#Doorloop alle XML bestanden
for FILE in *;
        #Als het bestand "principal" in de naam heeft
        #if [ $FILE  == *"principal"* ]; then
        if echo $FILE | grep -q "principal"; then

                #Naam (String) van de user ophalen uit het XML bestand
                name=$(xmlstarlet sel -T -t -m "//*[local-name()='Subject']/*[local-name()='SubjectMatch']/*[local-name()='AttributeValue']/*[local-name()='DataValue']/*[local-name()='SimpleValue']" -v . $FILE)

                #Rollen (Array) ophalen uit het XML bestand
                roles=$(xmlstarlet sel -T -t -m "//*[local-name()='Condition']/*[local-name()='Apply']/*[local-name()='AttributeValue']/*[local-name()='DataValue']/*[local-name()='SimpleValue']" -v . -n $FILE)

                #Code snippet: sorteren van de array
                IFS=$'\n' sortedRoles=($(sort <<<"${roles[*]}"))
                unset IFS

                #Helper variable

                #Doorlopen van de rollen
                for i in "${sortedRoles[@]}"
                        #Omdat rollen soms dubbel in de XML staan
                        if [ "$i" != "$previousRole" ] ; then

                                #Timestamp voor log ophalen
                                date=$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S)

                                #Underscore (_) vervangen door spatie
                                adjustedDate=${date//[_]/ }

                                #Schrijf autorisaties weg naar logfile
                                echo $adjustedDate " - Naam van gebruiker: " $name " - Rol van gebruiker: " $i >> $LOGFILE




How do I make this script work with a cronjob? Thanks

EDIT Triplee mentioned CronJob not running

Following his steps:

  1. Is the Cron daemon running? yes
  2. Is cron working? yes
  3. Is the command working standalone? yes
  4. Can cron run your job? Yes, no errors are found in the cron log
  5. Check permissions Permissions are fine. Can also write to directory
  6. Check paths I am using actual paths, that should be enough right?
  7. Don't suppress output while debugging Tried >>cron.out 2>&1 , see below

crontab -l:

48 12 * * * /opt/IBM/taddm/dist/var/policy/ibmsecauthz/policy/rolemapping/AuthorizationManagerPolicyContextId_role/ >>/opt/IBM/taddm/dist/var/policy/ibmsecauthz/policy/rolemapping/AuthorizationManagerPolicyContextId_role/cron.out 2>&1


-rw-r--r--. 1 root     root         0 Jan 13 12:48 autorisaties.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 root     root         0 Jan 13 12:48 cron.out


  • You're using for FILE in * without changing the working directory before. Looks like the script is run from a different working directory by cron.

    Have you tried for FILE in /path/to/xml/files/*? Even though you write "I'm using actual paths, right?": Your code does not reflect that at this point.