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I want to show only categories in the legend of a highchart treemap. Is there a way to do that using shiny?

I want to make a treemap to get an impression of the sizes in one data.frame. Let me show you an example:

World population plot without legend

I use the following code to produce this chart:


ui <- fluidPage(

server <- function(input, output){
  output$hcontainer <- renderHighchart({  
    gapminder %>%
      filter(year  == 2007) %>% 
      data_to_hierarchical(group_vars = c(continent, country), 
                                        size_var = pop,
                                        colors = c('pink','yellow','blue','green','orange','red')) %>% 
      hchart(type = "treemap"
             #showInLegend = TRUE,

         options = list(launch.browser = TRUE)

I saw it is possible to create a legend by uncommenting those two lines of code in the hchart-function, but the result is not what I want:

World population plot with legend

Is there a way to tell highcharts that I only want the continents in my legend? As a less important sidenote: There seems to be a bug in the highcharts, because after clicking on the legend (which you can use to hide/make reappear countries), they change their color in the legend according to their continent:

World population plot with legend after interacting with legend


  • Use the following plugin to achieve that:

    (function(H) {
      let pick = H.pick,
        defined = H.defined,
        fireEvent = H.fireEvent
      H.wrap(H.Legend.prototype.getAllItems = function(p) {
        var allItemsFirst = [],
          allItems = [];
        this.chart.series.forEach(function(series) {
          var seriesOptions = series && series.options;
          // Handle showInLegend. If the series is linked to another series,
          // defaults to false.
          if (series && pick(seriesOptions.showInLegend, !defined(seriesOptions.linkedTo) ? void 0 : false, true)) {
            // Use points or series for the legend item depending on
            // legendType
            allItemsFirst = allItems.concat(series.legendItems ||
              (seriesOptions.legendType === 'point' ?
        allItemsFirst.forEach(el => {
          if (el.isVisibleInLegend) {
        fireEvent(this, 'afterGetAllItems', {
          allItems: allItems
        return allItems;

    And set isVisibleInLegend: true for each point from you expect to be in the legend.

    Highcharts.chart('container', {
      series: [{
        type: "treemap",
        layoutAlgorithm: 'squarified',
        showInLegend: true,
        legendType: 'point',
        data: [{
          id: "id_1",
          name: 'A',
          isVisibleInLegend: true
        }, {
          id: "id_2",
          name: 'A1',
          value: 2,
          parent: 'id_1',
        }, {
          id: "id_3",
          name: 'A2',
          value: 2,
          parent: 'id_1',

    JS Demo:

    Extending Highcharts: