I have the following data:
Name | Age | Country | Occupation | Hobby | |
0 | A | 23 | DE | Job holder | Fishing |
1 | A | 23 | DE | Job holder | Gardening |
2 | A | 23 | DE | Job holder | Fishing |
3 | A | 23 | DE | Job holder | Reading |
4 | B | 15 | SW | Job holder | Fishing |
5 | B | 15 | SW | Job holder | Playing |
6 | C | 23 | DD | Job holder | Coding |
7 | B | 23 | AA | Job holder | Fishing |
8 | D | 34 | GH | Job holder | Fishing |
9 | D | 33 | TR | Other | Fishing |
When there is a duplicate in the "Name" columns, I would like to compare them and I would like to know the reason for their uniqueness. I want to add one new column which column should contain the responsible column header names for this uniqueness. If a row is found one time then write 'Unique' in the reason column.
The output should look like this:
Name | Age | Country | Occupation | Hobby | Reason | |
0 | A | 23 | DE | Job holder | Fishing | Occupation, Hobby |
1 | A | 23 | DE | Job holder | Gardening | Occupation, Hobby |
2 | A | 23 | DE | Student | Fishing | Occupation, Hobby |
3 | A | 23 | DE | Job holder | Reading | Occupation, Hobby |
4 | B | 15 | SW | Job holder | Fishing | Hobby |
5 | B | 15 | SW | Job holder | Playing | Hobby |
6 | C | 23 | DD | Job holder | Coding | Unique |
7 | B | 23 | AA | Job holder | Fishing | Age, Country |
8 | D | 34 | GH | Job holder | Fishing | Age, Country, Occupation |
9 | D | 33 | TR | Other | Fishing | Age, Occupation, Occupation |
I trying this way:
dif = [i for i, (x,y) in enumerate(zip(df.loc[0].values, df.loc[9,:].values)) if x!=y ] df.iloc[:, dif]
but it's not giving the way output should look like. I am new in python, any help would be appreciated!
You can identify the non-unique reasons, then merge as a string.
There are multiple ways to do this.
Using groupby.nunique
and dot product:
df2 = df.groupby('Name').nunique()
df['Reason'] = df['Name'].map(df2.gt(1).dot(df2.columns+', ')
.str[:-2].replace('', 'Unique'))
With groupby.nunique
and melt
df2 = df.melt('Name')
df['Reason'] = (df['Name']
.map(df2.groupby(['Name', 'variable'], as_index=False)['value'].nunique()
.query('value > 1').groupby('Name')['variable'].agg(', '.join))
With groupby.apply
df['Reason'] = df['Name'].map(df.groupby('Name')
.apply(lambda g: ', '.join(g.columns[g.nunique().gt(1)]))
.replace('', 'Unique')
Name Age Country Occupation Hobby Reason
0 A 23 DE Job holder Fishing Occupation, Hobby
1 A 23 DE Job holder Gardening Occupation, Hobby
2 A 23 DE Student Fishing Occupation, Hobby
3 A 23 DE Job holder Reading Occupation, Hobby
4 B 15 SW Job holder Fishing Age, Country, Hobby
5 B 15 SW Job holder Playing Age, Country, Hobby
6 C 23 DD Job holder Coding Unique
7 B 23 AA Job holder Fishing Age, Country, Hobby
8 D 34 GH Job holder Fishing Age, Country, Occupation
9 D 33 TR Other Fishing Age, Country, Occupation