i am using getx localization. And my app has a list view inside Text widget.
I try to write in Text widget every language 'name_1' value. But i can not access them.
My translation map below:
Map<String, Map<String, String>> get keys => {
'tr_TR': {
'name_1': 'Dünya',
'short_desc_1': 'Dünyadan',
'en_US': {
'name_1': 'world',
'short_desc_1': 'from world'
'de_DE': {
'name_1': 'world',
'short_desc_1': 'from world'
'fr_FR': {
'name_1': 'world',
'short_desc_1': 'from world'}
I get value below
TranslateStrings().keys[locale]!['name_' + '2']!.tr
But i need to get this with index value.
TranslateStrings().keys[locale]!['name_' + index.tostring()]!.tr
If i write index instead of '2' i am getting error.
_CastError (Null check operator used on a null value)
TranslateStrings().keys[locale]!['name_' + '${index + 1}']!.tr
here some magic trick for you
(k, v) {
print(k); //k for keys like 'tr_TR'
print(v); //v for the map after the key then access the inner value with v['name_1']