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spring-data-mongodb : Check if a field is null or not exists in project filter stage

I have this stage in my aggregation pipeline, where I'm filtering the array elements where termination date is either null or doesn't exist.

    "$project": {
        "_id": 1,
        "name": 1,
        "versions": {
            "$filter": {
                "input": "$versions",
                "as": "v",
                "cond": {
                    "$lte": [
                        "$$v.terminationDate", null

This works fine in Mongo shell. MongoPlayGround

But, I'm not sure how to write this in spring-data-mongodb.


But, lessThanEqualToValue doesn't accept null.

Please help.


  • I think this could works. The goal is to reproduce this query using $ifNull so you can try something like this:

    Updated with the small change from the comments to works perfectly:
