I'm looking for an algorithm to generate or iterate through all permutations of a list of objects such that:
I've looked through all the permutation algorithms that I can find, and none so far have met criteria 1 and 2, let alone 3.
I have an idea how I could write this algorithm myself using recursion, and filtering for duplicates to only get unique permutations. However, if there is any existing algorithm I'd much rather use something proven.
This code answers your requirement #3, which is to compute permutation at index N directly.
This code relies on the following principle:
The first permutation is the identity; then the next (n choose 2) permutations just swap two elements; then the next (n choose 3)(subfactorial(3)) permutations derange 3 elements; then the next (n choose 4)(subfactorial(4)) permutations derange 4 elements; etc. To find the Nth permutation, first figure out how many elements it deranges by finding the largest K such that sum[k = 0 ^ K] (n choose k) subfactorial(k) ⩽ N.
This number K is found by function number_of_derangements_for_permutation_at_index
in the code.
Then, the relevant subset of indices which must be deranged is computed efficiently using more_itertools.nth_combination.
However, I didn't have a function nth_derangement to find the relevant derangement of the deranged subset of indices. Hence the last step of the algorithm, which computes this derangement, could be optimised if there exists an efficient function to find the nth derangement of a sequence efficiently.
As a result, this last step takes time proportional to idx_r
, where idx_r
is the index of the derangement, a number between 0 and factorial(k)
, where k
is the number of elements which are deranged by the returned permutation.
from sympy import subfactorial
from math import comb
from itertools import count, accumulate, pairwise, permutations
from more_itertools import nth_combination, nth
def number_of_derangements_for_permutation_at_index(n, idx):
#n = len(seq)
for k, (low_acc, high_acc) in enumerate(pairwise(accumulate((comb(n,k) * subfactorial(k) for k in count(2)), initial=1)), start=2):
if low_acc <= idx < high_acc:
return k, low_acc
def is_derangement(seq, perm):
return all(i != j for i,j in zip(seq, perm))
def lift_permutation(seq, deranged, permutation):
result = list(seq)
for i,j in zip(deranged, permutation):
result[i] = seq[j]
return result
def nth_derangement(seq, idx):
return nth((p for p in permutations(seq) if is_derangement(seq, p)),
def nth_permutation(seq, idx):
if idx == 0:
return list(seq)
n = len(seq)
k, acc = number_of_derangements_for_permutation_at_index(n, idx)
idx_q, idx_r = divmod(idx - acc, subfactorial(k))
deranged = nth_combination(range(n), k, idx_q)
derangement = nth_derangement(deranged, idx_r) # TODO: FIND EFFICIENT VERSION
return lift_permutation(seq, deranged, derangement)
Testing for correctness on small data:
print( [''.join(nth_permutation('abcd', i)) for i in range(24)] )
# ['abcd',
# 'bacd', 'cbad', 'dbca', 'acbd', 'adcb', 'abdc',
# 'bcad', 'cabd', 'bdca', 'dacb', 'cbda', 'dbac', 'acdb', 'adbc',
# 'badc', 'bcda', 'bdac', 'cadb', 'cdab', 'cdba', 'dabc', 'dcab', 'dcba']
Testing for speed on medium data:
from math import factorial
seq = 'abcdefghij'
n = len(seq) # 10
N = factorial(n) // 2 # 1814400
perm = ''.join(nth_permutation(seq, N))
# fcjdibaehg