I'm running nestjs application and have a peace of code that using forkJoin
const results: string[] = [];
const args = ['arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3', 'arg4', 'arg5', 'arg6'];
switchMap(() => {
const setToHandle = [];
args.forEach(arg => setToHandle.push(this.doWorksAndGetResult(arg)));
return forkJoin(setToHandle);
tap(() => {
So this work fine, and I got results printed to log. But this forkJoin(setToHandle) is deprecated now and should use like that forkJoin([setToHandle]) according the documentation. But it isn't work, no results printed in log, no observables called inside doWorksAndGetResult function. Can some one help me with it?
After adding enough code to get your example to work, I found that strongly typing setToHandle fixed the issue. (At least in my version of your code.)
const setToHandle: string[] = [];
Otherwise, I think that the language service is getting confused.
UPDATE based on your comments:
This initialization is not valid:
const setToHandle: Observable<void> = [];
You can't initialize an Observable<void>
to an empty array []. And you can't then later in your code push
to an Observable<void>
Could you provide enough working code for us to get a better idea of what you are trying to do. See this Stackblitz for a place to start: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ivy-yp3ocd
UPDATE 2 based on your later comments:
forkJoin() takes in an array.
const setToHandle: Observable<boolean>[] = [];
is already defined as an array.
Passing in [setToHandle]
is putting the array into another array.
If you really need to use the square brackets, then this works:
return forkJoin([...setToHandle]);
The spread operator (...) expands the array.