I found this expression somewhere in Isabelle's standard library and tried to see what value
does with it
value "(λ x::bool . ¬x) ≤ (λ x . x)"
It outputs False
. What is the meaning of ≤
here? Ideally, where can I find the exact instantiation
of it? When I Ctrl+Click on the lambda symbol, jEdit doesn't take me anywhere. Is λ
part of meta logic then? Where is it defined?
This and many other things are defined in Lattices.thy
theory in Main
under the following section.
subsection ‹Lattice on \<^typ>‹_ ⇒ _››
instantiation "fun" :: (type, semilattice_sup) semilattice_sup
definition "f ⊔ g = (λx. f x ⊔ g x)"
lemma sup_apply [simp, code]: "(f ⊔ g) x = f x ⊔ g x"
by (simp add: sup_fun_def)
by standard (simp_all add: le_fun_def)