I am having a problem in a loop part with a variable. I thought I would just put it like this and it would work:
set iffff=%Fill!COUNT!%
I will post the entire code to get a better understanding.
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
::Program that opens a window to select the images/files
"%TEMP%\wxFileDialog.exe" "Todos os arquivos (*.*)|*.*" c:\ Open -m >TESTETSTETSET
::Directories are organized for each variable
set "Count=1"
FOR /f "tokens=1* delims=" %%A in ('type TESTETSTETSET') do (
set Fill!Count!="%%A"
set /a "Count+=1"
::All variables with the directories are stored in a single variable
set "all_fill=%Fill1% %Fill2% %Fill3% %Fill4% %Fill5% %Fill6% %Fill7% %Fill8% %Fill9% %Fill10% %Fill11% %Fill12% %Fill13% %Fill14% %Fill15% %Fill16% %Fill17% %Fill18% %Fill19% %Fill20% %Fill21% %Fill22% %Fill23% %Fill24% %Fill25% %Fill26% %Fill27% %Fill28% %Fill29% %Fill30% %Fill31% %Fill32% %Fill33% %Fill34% %Fill35% %Fill36% %Fill37% %Fill38% %Fill39% %Fill40%"
set "all_fill=%all_fill: =%"
::Gets the path of the first variable by removing only the file
for %%I in (%Fill1%) do set "otu1=%%~dpI"
::Cria uma pasta para separar os arquivos
mkdir "%otu1%temp2" >nul & cls
::Enters the path to what was taken from the first variable
cd /d "%otu1%"
::Here you should copy all the selected files into the folder that has been created
set "COUNT=0"
for /l %%I in (1,1,100) do (
set /a COUNT=!COUNT! + 1
set ifff=%Fill!COUNT!%
copy "%ifff%" "%otu1%temp2"
::Enters the folder that was created
cd /d "%otu1%temp2"
dir /d
::Here it converts to a white image with the same name and then replaces the source file with this white image and the created folder is removed
convert * -fill white -colorize 100 -set filename:f %%t %%[filename:f].png
MOVE /Y * .\..
cd ..
rd temp2
The output of the copying part of the selected files is always something like this:
F:\testNew Folder>(
set /a COUNT=!COUNT! + 1
set ifff=
copy "" "F:\newfolder\temp2"
The system cannot find the specified path.
I got it with help from this link that @Magoo marked, I only needed to change two things.
::Directories are organized for each variable
set "Count=1"
FOR /f "tokens=1* delims=" %%A in ('type TESTETSTETSET') do (
set Fill!Count!="%%A"
set /a "Count+=1"
For that:
::Directories are organized for each variable
set "Count=1"
FOR /f "tokens=1* delims=" %%A in ('type TESTETSTETSET') do (
set Fill[!Count!]="%%A"
set /a "Count+=1"
And this:
::Here you should copy all the selected files into the folder that has been created
set "COUNT=0"
for /l %%I in (1,1,100) do (
set /a COUNT=!COUNT! + 1
set ifff=%Fill!COUNT!%
copy "%ifff%" "%otu1%temp2"
For that:
::Here you should copy all the selected files into the folder that has been created
FOR /L %%I IN (1 1 100) DO (
copy !Fill[%%I]! "%otu1%temp2" >nul & cls
Thank you for your help.