The intention of the following code is to display a row if unique identifier of the row above is within the rows
array. Why does Svelte update the view only after several clicks, in a seemingly random way?
import { onMount } from "svelte";
let rows = [
{"name": "Alex", "id": "0"},
{"name": "Steve", "id": "1"},
{"name": "Mike", "id": "2"},
let expandedRows = [];
function toggleExpandRows(row_id_to_toggle) {
console.log("Row to toggle:", row_id_to_toggle)
if (expandedRows.includes(row_id_to_toggle)) {
console.log(expandedRows, "includes", row_id_to_toggle)
expandedRows = expandedRows.filter(expanded_row_id => expanded_row_id !== row_id_to_toggle)
} else {
<div class="overflow-x-auto w-full">
<table class="table table-compact w-full">
{#each rows as row (}
<button class="btn btn-xs" on:click={()=>toggleExpandRows(}>+/-</button>
<td class="min-w-[3rem] ">{}</td>
</tr> {JSON.stringify(}
{#if expandedRows.includes(}
<td colspan="2">-</td>
Expanded: {JSON.stringify(expandedRows)}
Reactivity is based on assignments, which is why for arrays you also often see this pattern instead of push
array = [...array, item];