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How to convert string into an array in clojure

I want to convert the string into an array, I have tried some steps but not getting the desired result.

(:require [clojure.string :as str])

(def stringval "fruit==Mango,fruit==Papaya;veggie==Onion,veggie==Potato")

(defn formatting [strFilters]   
(let [filters (str/split strFilters #";")]
    (for [filter filters]
      (let [eachFilter (str/split filter #",")]
        (for [each eachFilter]
          (let [items (str/split each #"==")]
(formatting stringval)

I am getting below output

((["fruit" "Mango"] ["fruit" "Papaya"]) (["veggie" "Onion"] ["veggie" "Potato"]))

I want clojure function which returns the below array

    [fruit] => Array
            [0] => Mango
            [1] => Papaya

    [veggie] => Array
            [0] => Onion
            [1] => Potato



  • You want a list of maps, so you have to turn your current intermediate results into a map. You can do this with group-by and some some post-processing, or you can use merge-with conj if you shape the result from the innermost for in preparation for it. Also note, that for can have :let in it.

    (require '[clojure.string :as str])
    (def s "fruit==Mango,fruit==Papaya;veggie==Onion,veggie==Potato")
    (for [g (str/split s #";")]
      (apply merge-with into
             (for [kv (str/split g #",")
                   :let [[k v] (str/split kv #"==")]]
               {k [v]})))
    ; → ({"fruit" ["Mango" "Papaya"]} {"veggie" ["Onion" "Potato"]})

    And in case your target-output there is from PHP or some other language, that got their basic data structures wrong, and you actually just want a map with the keys to arrays of values, you just have to to shift the merge-with into out and you can also split for ; and , one swoop.

    (apply merge-with into
           (for [kv (str/split s #"[;,]")
                 :let [[k v] (str/split kv #"==")]]
             {k [v]}))
    ; → {"fruit" ["Mango" "Papaya"], "veggie" ["Onion" "Potato"]}