Search code examples

Adding a key value into dictionary of list in python3

I have this data:

enquiry_metadata = {'enquiry_id': '02e19c4e21d2', 
'items': [{'status': 'SUCCESS', 'code': 0, 'panelId': '0a1702be81bf', 'data': {'customerId': 19373, 'appId': 30531, 'zip': 80124, 'service_id': 979869}}, 
{'status': 'SUCCESS', 'code': 0, 'panelId': '6e638d5fbb', 'data': {'customerId': 30743, 'appId': 51808, 'zip': 32425, 'service_id': 879463}}]}

How can I add the key:value "companyId":"8424" inside the list of dictionary enquiry_metadata['items'], to get a result like so?

enquiry_metadata = {'enquiry_id': '02e19c4e21d2', 
'items': [{'status': 'SUCCESS', 'code': 0, 'panelId': '0a1702be81bf', 'data': {'customerId': 19373, 'appId': 30531, 'zip': 80124, 'service_id': 979869}, 'companyId': '8424'}, 
{'status': 'SUCCESS', 'code': 0, 'panelId': '6e638d5fbb', 'data': {'customerId': 30743, 'appId': 51808, 'zip': 32425, 'service_id': 879463}, 'companyId': '8424'}]}


  • You want to iterate the items array then set the key/value of each:

    from pprint import pprint
    enquiry_metadata = {
        'enquiry_id': '02e19c4e21d2', 
        'items': [
            {'status': 'SUCCESS', 'code': 0, 'panelId': '0a1702be81bf', 'data': {'customerId': 19373, 'appId': 30531, 'zip': 80124, 'service_id': 979869}},
            {'status': 'SUCCESS', 'code': 0, 'panelId': '6e638d5fbb', 'data': {'customerId': 30743, 'appId': 51808, 'zip': 32425, 'service_id': 879463}}
    for i in enquiry_metadata['items']:
        i['companyId'] = '8424'

    and here it resulting output:

    {'enquiry_id': '02e19c4e21d2',
     'items': [{'code': 0,
                'companyId': '8424',
                'data': {'appId': 30531,
                         'customerId': 19373,
                         'service_id': 979869,
                         'zip': 80124},
                'panelId': '0a1702be81bf',
                'status': 'SUCCESS'},
               {'code': 0,
                'companyId': '8424',
                'data': {'appId': 51808,
                         'customerId': 30743,
                         'service_id': 879463,
                         'zip': 32425},
                'panelId': '6e638d5fbb',
                'status': 'SUCCESS'}]}