CollectionView Cell
ㄴ A
ㄴㄴ B
this is example of my collectionView cell View stack
the problem is I put gestures and actions in B view.
If you turn on the accessibility, i think call collectionView's delegate = didSelectItemAt.. but my collectionView call tap Gesture action
I have never set up a gesture related to accessibility..
This phenomenon is only reproduced in certain views.
why this problem cause..?
private lazy var AContainer = UIView().then {
$0.addGestureRecognizer(UITapGestureRecognizer.init(target: self, action: #selector(actionGesture)))
AContainer.flex.define { flex in
contentView.flex.addItem().define { flex in
@objc func actionGesture() {
i catch the issue .
accessibilityActivationPosition's default position is mid,,
gesture action is in B view's center,,
so i solved this probelm by this code
B.accessibilityActivationPosition = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0)