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''A wait of x seconds is required'' returns by telethon( python library for telegram) how can I get rid of it?

When I try to run code which is accessing my telegram account via an API, it runs fine until following error.

A wait of 4013 seconds is required (caused by ResolveUsernameRequest)


My code is following:

from telethon.sync import TelegramClient
from telethon import functions, types

api_id = xxxxxxx
api_hash = '468f15380793dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

with TelegramClient('sessionx', api_id, api_hash) as client:
    result = client(functions.channels.GetFullChannelRequest(

Is there any solution, so I could get rid of it? What changes should I made into my code.


  • You can't. Its limitation from telegram there are limitations on using GetFullChannelRequest if you exceed those limitaions you will face floodwait issues