Search code examples

How to pass multi List values using <a> tag?

Basic example link - following link is what I am trying to build. But this is only for single value.

Issue Detail After I select multi colors in <select>, Then i click <a> tag, I want to pass the value of what i select in <select>. Currently after clicking on <a> tag, it wont keep values selcted inside <select>

Step#1 Here I am creating Form with 2 filters. 1 search text box and 2 selectlist

<form asp-page="./index" method="get">
     <input type="text" asp-for="SearchString"  />
     <select asp-for="Colors" asp-items="@Model.Colors_SELECT" class="MultiSelect" multiple>...</select>

Step#2 Display data in table grid. <a> is passing filters to url

     <a asp-page="./My_Training"   
                        @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.MyListData[0].Colors)
     .. // more `<a>` tags. 1 for each column 

Step#3 Back-end code: - mainly bind filter values

[BindProperty(SupportsGet = true)]
public string? SearchString { get; set; }
[BindProperty(SupportsGet = true)]
public List<string>? Colors { get; set; }
public SelectList? Colors_SELECT { get; set; }

public async Task OnGetAsync()
    // everything is auto bind to properties  

What I tried: according to google, they recommended using asp-all-route-data with Dictionary. I have tried this code and it doesnt work for multi values. Dictionary doesnt allow same key. for example: if I use asp-all-route-data and pass URL like Colors[0]=Red&Colors[1]=Green than it wont keep values selected inside <select>

I also Tried to do this. This works but the code is a mess and hard to maintain if you have too many filters & columns in data grid

<input type="hidden" asp-for="URL_String" />
<a href="/Index? @Model.URL_String&[email protected]_Sort">
                        @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.CourseTakenList[0].Colors)

public string? URL_String { get; set; } = "";

  public async Task<IActionResult> OnPostAsync()
        string? createURL = "?";
        createURL += $"SearchString={SearchString}&";
        foreach (var p in Colors)
            createURL += $"Colors={p}&";

        if (createURL.EndsWith("?") || createURL.EndsWith("&"))
            createURL = createURL.TrimEnd(createURL[createURL.Length - 1]); //remove last '&' 

        string url = $"{HttpContext.Request.Path}{createURL}";
        return Redirect(url);

  public async Task OnGetAsync()
        URL_String = Request.QueryString.ToString().Replace("??", "?");
        CurrentSort = Request.Query["SortOrder"];        


  • Because asp-all-route-data can't pass value with the same key, So you need to add index by yourself, Please refer to this simple demo:

        var colors = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        var i = 0;
        foreach (var item in Model.colors)
            colors.Add($"colors[{i}]", item);
    <a asp-page="index" asp-all-route-data="colors">Test</a>

    It will pass data like:



    enter image description here


    <select multiple id="selectone">
        <option value="red">red</option>  
        <option value="black">black</option>
        <option value="white">white</option>  
        <option value="yellow">yellow</option>  
    <button onclick="MySelect()">Select color</button>
    <a asp-page="index" asp-route-SearchString="Test" id="color">Test</a>
        function MySelect(){
            var result = document.getElementById("selectone").selectedOptions;
            var arr=[];
            for(let i=0,len = result.length;i<len;i++){
                    arr.push("colors["+i+"]=" + result[i].value)
            var str=arr.join("&");
           var a = document.getElementById("color").getAttribute('href');
           var url = a+ "&" + str;
           document.getElementById("color").href = url;


    enter image description here