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Negative Sampling in JAX

I'm implementing a negative sampling algorithm in JAX. The idea is to sample negatives from a range excluding from this range a number of non-acceptable outputs. My current solution is close to the following:

import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax
max_range = 5
n_samples = 2
true_cases = jnp.array(
# i combine the true cases in a dictionary of the following form:
non_acceptable_as_negatives = {
    0: jnp.array([5]),
    1: jnp.array([2,4]),
    2: jnp.array([]),
    3: jnp.array([]),
    4: jnp.array([]),
    5: jnp.array([])
negatives = []
key = jax.random.PRNGKey(42)
for i in true_cases[:,0]:
    key,use_key  = jax.random.split(key,2)
    p = jnp.ones((max_range+1,))
    p =[non_acceptable_as_negatives[int(i)]].set(0)
    p = p / p.sum()
            (1, n_samples),

However this seems

  • rather complicated and
  • is not very performant as the true cases in the original contain ~200_000 entries and max range is ~ 50_000.

How can I improve this solution? And is there a more JAX way to store arrays of varying size which I currently store in the non_acceptable_as_negatives dict?


  • You'll generally achieve better performance in JAX (as in NumPy) if you can avoid loops and use vectorized operations instead. If I'm understanding your function correctly, I think the following does roughly the same thing, but using vmap.

    Since JAX does not support dictionary lookups based on traced values, I replaced your dict with a padded array

    import jax.numpy as jnp
    import jax
    max_range = 5
    n_samples = 2
    fill_value = max_range + 1
    true_cases = jnp.array([
    non_acceptable_as_negatives = jnp.array([
        [5, fill_value],
        [2, 4],
    def func(key, true_case):
      p = jnp.ones(max_range + 1)
      idx = true_cases[0]
      replace =[idx].get(fill_value=fill_value)
      p =[replace].set(0, mode='drop')
      return jax.random.choice(key, max_range + 1, (n_samples,), replace=False, p=p)
    key = jax.random.PRNGKey(42)
    keys = jax.random.split(key, len(true_cases))
    result = func(keys, true_cases)
    [[3 1]
     [5 1]
     [1 5]]