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Getting all ancestors/ Super types of a descendent/ Sub type from table in MySQL

I have a table with hierarchical data that looks like this:

ObjectType ObjectSubType
Everything Solid
Solid Solid
Solid Metal
Metal Metal
Metal Iron
Iron Iron

I'm trying to get all the ancestors/supertypes of any given objectSubType.

so if I want all the parents of Iron, it would look something like this: Iron, Metal, Solid, Everything

I've tried using recursion by referring this

recursion code:

  ancestorCategories  AS
    SELECT ObjectType, ObjectSubType, 0 AS depth
      FROM ObjectTypeHierarchyTable
      WHERE ObjectType = "Iron"
    SELECT c.ObjectType, c.ObjectSubType, ac.depth - 2
      FROM ancestorCategories AS ac 
        JOIN ObjectTypeHierarchyTable AS c ON ac.ObjectSubType = c.ObjectType
SELECT * FROM ancestorCategories;

This does not seem to work though (possibly missing a termination condition?) - I get this error message when trying it out on db-fiddle:

Recursive query aborted after 1001 iterations. Try increasing @@cte_max_recursion_depth to a larger value.

Any help is appreciated!


  • Didn't solve it using recursion but managed to use a WHILE loop and a temporary table to get all the ancestors:

    CREATE PROCEDURE get_ancestors(IN value VARCHAR(50))
      -- create a temporary table to hold the ancestors, once and truncate it
      CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ancestors (
        ObjectType VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL
      TRUNCATE TABLE ancestors;
      -- insert the initial value into the ancestors table
      INSERT INTO ancestors (ObjectType) VALUES (value);
      -- Loop until no more ancestors are found
      SET @new_rows = 1;
      SET @iterations = 0;
      SET @max_iterations = 100;
      WHILE (@new_rows > 0) AND (@iterations < @max_iterations) DO
          INSERT INTO ancestors (ObjectType)
          SELECT DISTINCT ObjectType
          FROM ObjectTypeHierarchyTable
          WHERE ObjectSubType IN (SELECT ObjectType FROM ancestors) 
          AND ObjectType NOT IN (SELECT ObjectType FROM ancestors);
          SET @new_rows = ROW_COUNT();
          SET @iterations = @iterations + 1;
      END WHILE;
      -- select the ancestors from the temporary table
      SELECT * FROM ancestors;
    CALL get_ancestors('Metal');

    A procedure is also being used to wrap the WHILE statement because WHILE statements can't be used directly.

    Optionally TEMPORARY keyword can be used while creating the ancestors table depending on the type and version of MySQL(it works in PyMySQL which is my use-case).