I am using yocto with the current kirkstone LTS release(for a long time). I tried to use the version information for recipes.
See: https://docs.yoctoproject.org/4.0.6/ref-manual/variables.html?highlight=preferred_version#term-PV
So I have a recipe like this: 'my-recipe_1.0.0.bb'
Now I want to install that recipe in this version in my image. So I have another recipe like 'image.bb' that installs the recipe with something like: 'IMAGE_INSTALL += "my-recipe".
Now I want the build to fail, if that recipe version does not exist. I use REQUIRED_VERSION for this, see: https://docs.yoctoproject.org/4.0.6/ref-manual/variables.html?highlight=preferred_version#term-REQUIRED_VERSION
So I added in my image.bb a line like this: 'REQUIRED_VERSION_my-recipe="1.0.0"'
This works perfectly fine and I can switch this way between different versions of my recipe.
Now comes the question: If I require a version of my recipe that does not exist, the documentation says I will get an error and an immediate build error. But instead, my build takes an existing recipe but not the one I required.
This leads to an unacceptable situation where my build build something I do not expect. Now I wonder, if somebody has an idea what is going wrong.
I tried to use the REQUIRED_VERSION for different existing recipes. -> That worked as expected.
I tried to use the REQUIRED_VERSION for a not existing recipe. -> That did not work as expected. I got no build error.
Since the manual states that REQUIRED_VERSION "works in exactly the same manner as PREFERRED_VERSION" (except that it throws an error), maybe try using the forcevariable override:
REQUIRED_VERSION_my-recipe:forcevariable = "1.0.0"
Edit: Include this line in local.conf instead of the image.bb file for the expected behavior to take effect.