I have an array of strings in a jsonb column in a postgres DB, which I'd like to migrate to an array of objects with 2 fields. So, turn this:
"Umbrella": [
into this:
"items": {
"umbrella": [
"color": "green",
"pattern": "bubbles"
"color": "blue",
"pattern": "clouds"
I managed to migrate the first value of the array, but I don't know how to implement a "foreach" to do this for all items.
What I tried (public.metadata is the table and metadata is the jsonb column):
update public.metadata set metadata = jsonb_set(metadata, '{items}', '{}');
update public.metadata set metadata = jsonb_set(metadata, '{items, umbrella}', '[]');
update public.metadata set metadata = jsonb_insert(metadata, '{items, umbrella, 0}', '{"color":"1", "pattern":"2"}');
update public.metadata
set metadata = jsonb_set(
'{items, umbrella, 0, color}',
to_jsonb(split_part(metadata -> 'Umbrella' ->> 0, '|', 1))
update public.metadata
set metadata = jsonb_set(
'{items, umbrella, 0, pattern}',
to_jsonb(split_part(metadata -> 'Umbrella' ->> 0, '|', 2))
I thought maybe this could lead me to the final solution, but I'm stuck.
I manage to solve it like this:
-- from array of strings to array of objects
update public.metadata set metadata = jsonb_set(metadata #- '{Umbrella}', '{items, umbrella}',
(select jsonb_agg(
'color', (split_part(x::text, '|', 1)),
'pattern', (split_part(x::text, '|', 2))
) from public.metadata, jsonb_array_elements_text(metadata.metadata->'Umbrella') x)
) where metadata->'Umbrella' is not null and metadata -> 'Umbrella' != '[]'::jsonb;;