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NetSuite REST API with Postman: Record not found while using Suiteql

I'm trying to query some records like vendor and customer using suiteql with REST API using Postman. The issue is that it return everytime the same error:

"Invalid search query. Detailed unprocessed description follows. Search error occurred: Record 'customer' was not found."

enter image description here

I tried:

  • differents syntax like Customer, CUSTOMER, customers, Customers, CUSTOMERS
    but no change.
  • I added customer access to the role.

Is there something to activate while using suiteql with rest api?


  • NetSuite doesn't say it but for a record to be searchable, the user needs to have the following permissions:


    • Find Transaction
    • All the records needed


    • Perform search
    • All the records needed


    • REST WEB Services
    • Log in using Access Tokens or Oauth 2.0


    • SuiteAnalytics WorkBook