I have a function:
func findExistingModels(ids: [String]) throws -> [Model?] {
let models: [Model] = try getModelsFromCache(ids: ids)
// ???
As you can see, it calls getModelsFromCache
which roughly looks like this:
class Model: NSManagedObject {
let id: String
func getModelsFromCache(ids: [String]) throw -> [Model] {
let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest<Model>(entityName: "Model")
fetchRequest.fetchLimit = ids.count
fetchRequest.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "%K IN %@", argumentArray: ["id", identifiers])
// some CoreData code, like performAndWait
// Just ignore all the CoreData concurrency aspects
return models
As you can see, getModelsFromCache
returns and array of Model
which will contain anywhere from 0
to ids.count
amount of Model
objects, depending on their existence in the storage.
What I need findExistingModels
to do is:
func findExistingModels(ids: [String]) throws -> [Model?] {
let models: [Model] = try getModelsFromCache(ids: ids)
return ids.map { id in
if let model = models.first(where: { model in
model.id == id
}) {
return model
return nil
Put in words, I need to map the ids
to their corresponding Model
s with the goal of preserving the sorting based on the incoming ids
, and also, I need to place nil
s corresponding to the ids
for which the Model
s haven't been found.
This algorithm that I wrote, with first
search, it works, but it's not sound from asymptotic complexity perspective. At worst, this function would produce the complexity of O(pow(ids.count, 2))
My question is:
preserve the order of appearing keys after FetchRequest - i.e. can I assume that for ids ["1", "2", "3"]
the array that will be returned from NSManagedObjectContext.fetch
will be in order of 1, 2, 3
in terms of the ids of the returned objects - and maybe we can build an effective algorithm around that?I haven't tried yet, but I have a couple of ideas/suggestions:
array into a slicefirstIndex
so that next time, for next id, we won't search over itExample:
var models = ArraySlice(getCache())
var results = [Model?](repeating: nil, count: ids.count)
ids.enumerated().forEach { index, id in
if let modelIndex = models.firstIndex(where: { model in
model.id == id
}) {
let model = models[modelIndex]
models.remove(at: modelIndex)
results[index] = model
return results
Do you think this is a good idea? Can't quite calculate the complexity in my head...
hashable, where hash is calculated as id
, literally just the value of itMaybe this will be faster?
Use a dictionary, as per @Alexander comments.