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ImageCropper use with Uint8List file -flutter

I'm using image_picker & ImageCropper packages. I want to save a user-given picture in firestore database. So, I use functions like this.

  • First, set File? _image;

  • Functions for cropping & picking

    Future _pickImage(ImageSource source) async {
            try {
              final image = await ImagePicker().pickImage(source: source);
               if (image == null) return;
               File? img = File(image.path);
        img = await _cropImage(imageFile: img);
        setState(() {
          _image = img;
      } on PlatformException catch (e) {
          Future<File?> _cropImage({required File imageFile}) async {
      CroppedFile? croppedImage =
          await ImageCropper().cropImage(sourcePath: imageFile.path);
      if (CroppedFile == null) return null;
      return File(croppedImage!.path);

and use this to save data in firestore

Future<String> uploadImageToStorage(
    File file,
  ) async {
    Reference ref =

    UploadTask uploadTask = ref.putData(file);

    TaskSnapshot snap = await uploadTask;
    String downloadUrl = await snap.ref.getDownloadURL();
    return downloadUrl;

Above function not work for File type data, It support for Uint8List. So, What can I do for this?

Next problem is, I'm getting File type data with ImagePicker for profile picture. Is it not problem?


  • Try changing your _cropImage-Method to return XFile? like this:

    Future<XFile?> _cropImage({required File imageFile}) async {
      CroppedFile? croppedImage =
          await ImageCropper().cropImage(sourcePath: imageFile.path);
      if (CroppedFile == null) return null;
      return XFile(croppedImage!.path);

    You also have to change the paramter of uploadImageToStorage to XFile file. Then you can use file!.readAsBytes(); to get a Uint8List.

    Future<String> uploadImageToStorage(
      XFile file,
    ) async {
      Reference ref =
      final fileBytes = await file.readAsBytes();
      UploadTask uploadTask = ref.putData(fileBytes);
      TaskSnapshot snap = await uploadTask;
      String downloadUrl = await snap.ref.getDownloadURL();
      return downloadUrl;