I want to create a suite setup for my Pytest framework.
I have created one fixture name suite setup, which return some values for test cases to consume.
@pytest.fixture(scope=session) def suite_setup(arg1, arg2 ...)
then i have 3 files test1.py, test2.py andtest3.py file where i have multiple test cases, I want my suite setup to be called once and then all the test cases of .py files should execute and then in the end suite_teardown should execute.
I want order like this
Suite_steup testcase1 testcase2 testcase..n suite_teardown
can you please help me with the sytax.
if i run -n 2, my session level fixture should get called only 2 times on different env
i have created conftest with fixture but i am not sure how to call session level fixture only once for all test cases and i want to use values returned by session level fixture in all test cases.
i tried calling scope level fixture in test parameter of test cases, but it gets called everytime a new test case starts
A simple way can be to define the fixture as a context manager by using a yield
instead of a standard return
. This will easily allow you to specify setup and teardown logic.
You may also wish to use autouse=True
to force it to always be run even if the fixture is not explicitly specified as a test argument.
In conftest.py
you can add something along the lines of this:
@pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True)
def session_fixture():
fixture = do_setup()
yield fixture