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Error installing NPM for node.js

I'm trying to install npm on ubuntu 11.04 using the "git all the way" method found in this gist

I keep getting this error after running sudo make install on npm

$ sudo make install
! [ -d .git ] || git submodule update --init --recursive
node cli.js install -g -f
bash: node: command not found
make: *** [install] Error 127

I know this is something wrong with bash, but I'm not very good with bash.


running the node command in the terminal brings up the node shell as expected


  • Your problem is that when you sudo, you are not sourcing the same bashrc file (or whatever is setting your PATH and/or NODE_PATH), and so the system cannot find node.

    I would guess that sudo node won't work.

    You need to export your NODE_PATH as @Ken suggested, WHILE SUDOING:

    sudo PATH=/path/to/node/bin/dir:$PATH make install

    EDIT: to use PATH as worked in comments below