Doing some research/experimentation, I can trigger one pipeline from another pipeline in aws sagemaker via Eventbridge. is it possible to pass any parameters/values/arguments from one pipeline to another this way? say, i have a model building pipeline and I want to pass some model information to another pipeline , while triggering second pipeline after completion of first via eventbridge. is this possible or are there other ways to do this?
"source": ["aws.sagemaker"],
"detail-type": ["one pipeline"],
"detail": {
"currentPipelineExecutionStatus": ["Succeeded"],
"previousPipelineExecutionStatus": ["Executing"],
"pipelineArn": ["another-pipelineArn"]
This isn't possible using only EventBridge because the event does not contain pipeline parameters.
Your best bet would be a rule which triggers a Lambda. That Lambda then calls ListPipelineParametersForExecution and starts the second pipeline.