I have a problem that is close to this one :
(pandas) Create new column based on first element in groupby object
So I have this dataframe:
accidentID cartype
0 58 70
1 58 -70
2 58 70
3 58 100
4 71 100
5 71 -70
6 250 70
7 250 70
8 250 100
9 250 70
10 70 70
What I want is to add a new column to show the car_in_the_wrong for a given accidentID knowing that :
if a cartype = -70 is present --> car_in_the_wrong = -70
if a cartype = 100 is present and no cartype = -70 --> car_in_the_wrong = 100
if 100 and -70 absent --> car_in_the_wrong = 70
accidentID cartype car_in_the_wrong
0 58 70 -70
1 58 -70 -70
2 58 70 -70
3 58 100 -70
4 71 100 -70
5 71 -70 -70
6 250 70 100
7 250 70 100
8 250 100 100
9 250 70 100
10 300 70 70
Is there a way to do it with a groupby?
Thanks a lot!
Following this answer on how to Check if a value exists using multiple conditions within group in pandas, and taking advantage that statements with or
are evaluated from left to right (i.e. the right-side part is not evaluated if the left-side holds True):
df['car_in_the_wrong'] = df['accidentID'].map(df.groupby('accidentID').apply(lambda x: x['cartype'].eq(-70).any()*-70 or x['cartype'].eq(100).any()*100 or x['cartype'].eq(70).any()*70))