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Archunit enforce test coverage

How can I enforce using Archunit that every class has a correspondent test class?

I'm able to get all the class that I want to check using this Rule:


But not sure where to go from here.



  • You can implement a "non-local" ArchCondition (i.e. one that relies on all objects to test) by overwriting its init(Collection<T> allObjectsToTest) method.

    ArchUnit's library of GeneralCodingRules has a testClassesShouldResideInTheSamePackageAsImplementation(), whose implementation is a good starting point to come up with something like this:

    static final ArchRule relevant_classes_should_have_tests =
    private static ArchCondition<JavaClass> haveACorrespondingClassEndingWith(String testClassSuffix) {
        return new ArchCondition<JavaClass>("have a corresponding class with suffix " + testClassSuffix) {
            Set<String> testedClasseNames = emptySet();
            public void init(Collection<JavaClass> allClasses) {
                testedClasseNames =
                        .filter(className -> className.endsWith(testClassSuffix))
                        .map(className -> className.substring(0, className.length() - testClassSuffix.length()))
            public void check(JavaClass clazz, ConditionEvents events) {
                if (!clazz.getName().endsWith(testClassSuffix)) {
                    boolean satisfied = testedClasseNames.contains(clazz.getName());
                    String message = createMessage(clazz, "has " + (satisfied ? "a" : "no") + " corresponding test class");
                    events.add(new SimpleConditionEvent(clazz, satisfied, message));