With the following function I am extracting the latest git commit id in a short form and write it into a text file.
from os.path import exists
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
def get_git_commit_id(txt_file: str) -> str:
Gets the latest git commit id and places in the txt file if not exists
:param txt_file: name of the txt file
:return: the latest git commit id
if not exists(txt_file):
print(f"'{txt_file}' did not exist before") # for logging
process = Popen("git rev-parse --short HEAD", stdout=PIPE)
output = process.communicate()[0]
except Exception as error:
output = bytes("latest", "utf-8")
print("It could not read the .git", error) # for logging
with open(txt_file, "w", encoding="utf8") as file:
file = open(txt_file, "r", encoding="utf8")
git_commit_id = file.readline().strip()
return git_commit_id
However this code only works when I have my .git
dir inside my project.
How can extract the latest git commit id in a short form from the URL where my project placed on the internal git?
With the following code I was able to get the desired output:
# imports
from os import devnull
from os.path import exists
from logging import getLogger
from urllib.parse import parse_qsl
from urllib.request import urlopen
from ssl import create_default_context
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
from subprocess import call, Popen, STDOUT, PIPE
logger = getLogger(__name__)
project_git_url = "https://path/to/your/git.com/?p=your-project;a=summary"
cert = None
def get_git_commit_id(txt_file: str) -> str:
Gets the latest git commit id and places in the txt file if not exists
:param txt_file: name of the txt file
:return: the latest git commit id
if not exists(txt_file):
msg=f"The following text file does not exist : '{txt_file}'. Now it was created.",
output = bytes("latest", "utf-8")
git_check = call(["git", "master"], stderr=STDOUT, stdout=open(devnull, 'w'))
if git_check != 0:
process = Popen("git rev-parse --short HEAD", stdout=PIPE)
output = process.communicate()[0]
msg=f"It could not read the .git repository to extract the latest git commit id.",
url = urlopen(project_git_url, context=create_default_context(cafile=cert))
url_as_xml = url.read().decode("utf-8")
docs = parseString(url_as_xml)
html = docs.getElementsByTagName("html")[0]
body = html.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]
for div_element in body.getElementsByTagName("div"):
if 'page_nav' in div_element.attributes.items()[0]:
for href in div_element.getElementsByTagName("a"):
href_content = href.attributes.items()[0][1]
if 'a=commit;' in href_content:
parsed_href_content = parse_qsl(href_content, encoding='utf-8', separator=';')
output = bytes(parsed_href_content[2][1][:6], "utf-8")
except Exception as error:
msg=f"It could not get the latest git commit id from the git : {project_git_url}.\nThe following error occurred : {error}",
with open(txt_file, "w", encoding="utf8") as file:
file = open(txt_file, "r", encoding="utf8")
git_commit_id = file.readline().strip()
return git_commit_id
It also includes the parsing of the URL where the internal git located.