I'm coding an application in blazor using MQTTNET nuget to connect to hivemq (a public free server)
If I connect without WithTls()
It does work when debugging locally but once I upload to github pages it fails because "a https tried to connect to a ws server, it should connect to wss instead".
If I add the Tls it does not connect: Unable to connect to the remote server
I tried searching if hivemq has a different address for wss or something but could not find out.
This is the code I'm using, mostly copied from the MQTTNET wiki
mqttClientOptions = new MqttClientOptionsBuilder()
.WithTls() //with Tls it does not connect, but no error is thrown
var result = await mqttClient.ConnectAsync(mqttClientOptions, CancellationToken.None);
If you add .WithTls()
you will also need to change the port number.
From HiveMQ's website:
MQTT connection settings Host: broker.hivemq.com TCP Port: 1883 Websocket Port: 8000 TLS TCP Port: 8883 TLS Websocket Port: 8884