I have a NLog.config file with the following variable
<variable name="LogsFilePath" value="${appsetting:item=LogsFolderPath:default=C:\Company\Logs}" >
<target name="File"
fileName="${LogsFilePath}\${event-properties:FileName}.log" />
<rule logger="DynamicLogger_*" minLevel="Trace" writeTo="File" />
When there is no value in app.config
file the default value taken is only C
(because of the colon).
My target is something like this
Also if I use the variable in the config file like ${var:LogsFilePath}
I have problems because of the colon. I have to use it with the static form ${LogsFilePath}
How can I solve this and use a path as default value in the default path of the appsetting
You need to escape it. Replace ":" with "\:", also you need to escape backslash.
I got it working like this
<variable name="LogsFolderPath" value="${appsetting:item=LogsFolderPath:default=C\:\\Company\\Logs}" />