I'm using a function to grab some users from Gitlab API but I wish to paginate from the headers and store all users not just one page of 100 users, for some reason I need to add int somewhere in my code but I'm uncertain where, please can anyone assist:
# Base URI of Gitlab API from our private Gitlab Instance
baseuri = "https://git.tools.dev.mycompany.net/api/v4"
# Function to grab users and put objects in S3 bucket:
def get_gitlab_users(access_token=access_token, baseuri=baseuri):
next_page = 1
result = []
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(access_token),
# Paginate by using x-total-pages from the headers received in the response
# https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/#pagination-link-header
url = f"{baseuri}/users/?per_page=100&active=true&without_project_bots=true&page={next_page}"
req = http.request(method="GET", url=url, headers=headers)
while next_page <= req.headers["x-total-pages"]:
url = f"{baseuri}/users/?per_page=100&active=true&without_project_bots=true&page={next_page}"
req = http.request(method="GET", url=url, headers=headers)
This is where the error occurs:
while next_page <= req.headers["x-total-pages"]:
TypeError: '<=' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'str'
I assume req.headers["x-total-pages"]
is a string, so cast it to int
explicitly like this:
and you should be fine (since you'll be comparing two int
s and not an int
to a str