I was trying to perform some tests on JSONDecoder
and I've encountered a strange behavior. In particular, when I use the following code an error is thrown.
let data = "Sample String".data(using: .utf8)!
do {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let decoded = try decoder.decode(String.self, from: data)
} catch {
dataCorrupted(Swift.DecodingError.Context(codingPath: [], debugDescription: "The given data was not valid JSON.", underlyingError: Optional(Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "Invalid value around line 1, column 0." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Invalid value around line 1, column 0., NSJSONSerializationErrorIndex=0})))
On the contrary if I put a number as string and Int.self
as the decoding type the value is printed correctly.
let data = "100".data(using: .utf8)!
do {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let decoded = try decoder.decode(Int.self, from: data)
} catch {
Any reason why this happens?
because some string
is not valid json, but "some string"
you need quotes in your string:
let data = "\"Sample String\"".data(using: .utf8)!