I am new to Typo3 and TypoScript. I try a simple condition, but I fail: I NEED HELP!
My condition:
["HELP" == "HELP"]
templateName = Root
templateName = Sub
The condition is in a FLUIDTEMPLATE on a Page:
page = PAGE
page {
10 {
["HELP" == "HELP"]
templateName = Root
templateName = Sub
I also tried
templateName = Root
["HELP" == "ELP"]
templateName = Sub
I was not able to find an understandable explanation.
I tested it with line comments, but it seems it executes both cases always.
As the indention is just a shortcut in TypoScript you can't insert conditions on other levels than root.
the correct syntax to your example would be:
page = PAGE
page {
10 {
templateName = Sub
["HELP" == "HELP"]
page.10.templateName = Root
page.10.templateName = Sub
If you have defined the default value above you could omit the else part.