I have a form with several fields I need to get values of some fields and save them in a state by clicking on a button and then sent all form field data to server by clicking on submit button. Is there any way to do it in react?
Here is an example code:
In this example user can add several account information by clicking on "Add account info" button I need to collect values of "Account Information" part of form in an array like this:
"accountInfo": [
"email": "",
"securityQuestion": ,
"securityAnswer": ""
Finally by clicking on submit button all form values (including several account info) should be send to server.
import React, { useCallback } from 'react'
import { Form, Button } from 'antd'
import FormBuilder from 'antd-form-builder'
export default () => {
const [form] = Form.useForm()
const handleFinish = useCallback(values => {
console.log('Submit: ', values)
const meta1 = [
{ key: 'name.first', label: 'First Name', required: true },
{ key: 'name.last', label: 'Last Name', required: true },
{ key: 'dob', label: 'Date of Birth', widget: 'date-picker' },
const meta2 = [
key: 'email',
label: 'Email',
rules: [{ type: 'email', message: 'Invalid email' }],
key: 'security',
label: 'Security Question',
widget: 'select',
placeholder: 'Select a question...',
options: [{label: "What's your pet's name?", value: 1 }, {label: 'Your nick name?', value:2}],
{ key: 'answer', label: 'Security Answer' },
const meta3 = {
fields: [
{ key: 'address', label: 'Address' },
{ key: 'city', label: 'City' },
{ key: 'phone', label: 'phone' },
return (
<Form layout="horizontal" form={form} onFinish={handleFinish} style={{ width: '500px' }}>
<legend>Personal Information</legend>
<FormBuilder form={form} meta={meta1} />
<legend>Account Information</legend>
<FormBuilder form={form} meta={meta2} />
<Form.Item wrapperCol={{ span: 16, offset: 8 }}>
<Button type="primary">
Add account info
<legend>Contact Infomation</legend>
<FormBuilder form={form} meta={meta3} />
<Form.Item className="form-footer" wrapperCol={{ span: 16, offset: 8 }}>
<Button htmlType="submit" type="primary">
There are two keys in antd FormInstance interface you might be interested in.
to get whole values of your form by a set of field
to get the value by the field name.However you can get those values and do whatever you want with them by button with htmlType="submit":
<Button form="myForm" htmlType="submit"> my btn </Button>
To make this button work do not forget to assign some function to the key onFinish of your form:
onFinish={(formData) => console.log(formData)}
// ... your other properties