This is the code I am currently working with:
# Create the data table
dt <- data.table(
name = c("")
# Define the Shiny app UI
ui <- fluidPage(
.wrapper {
max-width: 1300px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
@media (min-width: 1300px) {
.wrapper {
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
# Wrap the contents of the page in a div with the wrapper class
div(class = "wrapper",
# Add a file input button
fileInput("file", "Upload CSV file"),
# Add a sidebar layout
# Add a sidebar panel
# Add checkboxes for each column in the data table
checkboxGroupInput("columns", "Columns:", names(dt), selected = NULL),
# Add a dropdown menu for the unique values of each selected column
# Add a main panel
# Add a data table to the main panel
# Define the Shiny app server logic
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# Read the CSV file and replace the existing data in dt
observeEvent(input$file, {
if (is.null(input$file)) return()
dt <<- fread(input$file$datapath)
# Update the checkboxGroupInput with the names of the new data in dt
updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, "columns", choices = names(dt), selected = names(dt)[1])
# Create a reactive expression for the unique values of the selected columns
values <- reactive({
lapply(input$columns, function(x) {
selectInput(x, x, c("All", unique(dt[, x, with = FALSE])), selected = "All")
# Render the dropdown menus
output$values <- renderUI({
# Create a reactive expression for the subset of the data table
subset <- reactive({
filters <- lapply(input$columns, function(x) {
if (input[[x]] == "All") {
} else {
dt[[x]] %in% input[[x]]
dt[Reduce(`&`, filters), ]
# Render the data table
output$table <- DT::renderDataTable({
}, options = list(pageLength = 100)) # set pageLength = 100 to show 100 entries by default
# Run the Shiny app
shinyApp(ui, server)
The idea is that when new data is uploaded via a browse button prompt, radio buttons appear to select columns, and for the columns selected, dropdown menus are dynamically created that subset displayed data according to the unique values.
I want to modify the code so that the unique values in the dropdown menus are sorted, yet I can't for the life of me figure out how to modify the code without creating errors in reading the data.
I changed this line of code:
selectInput(x, x, c("All", unique(dt[, x, with = FALSE])), selected = "All")
to this:
selectInput(x, x, c("All", unique(dt[order(dt[, x, with = FALSE]), x, with = FALSE])), selected = "All")
The sort() function kept producing errors, but order() worked.