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Yocto Error : Could not inherit file classes/qt6-cmake.bbclass

I'm currently trying to 'boot 2 qt'

I add layers, at "bblayers.conf" like this.

/yocto/kirkstone/meta-boot2qt/meta-boot2qt \

and also set machine at "local.conf"

when I try to bitbake, the error occurs like this

Input : bitbake b2qt-embedded-qt6-image

Output: ERROR: ParseError at /home/seame-fablab/yocto/kirkstone/meta-boot2qt/meta-boot2qt/recipes-qt/boot2qt-addons/ Could not inherit file classes/qt6-cmake.bbclass ERROR: Parsing halted due to errors, see error messages above

how to solve the errors


  • I believe its likely you are simply missing the layer where qt6-cmake.bbclass belongs to.

    Its hard to say if you missed cloning it, or just adding it to your bblayers.conf since you didnt really specify how you actually cloned the repos, but the README for meta-boot2qt suggests you use repo for such task, which should've taken care of that for you.

    For example, using

    mkdir ~/mybuilddir
    cd ~/mybuilddir/
    repo init -u git:// -m 6.5.xml
    repo sync

    would get you a structure like this:

    $ tree -L 2                                                                                                                        
    ├── -> sources/meta-boot2qt/scripts/
    └── sources
        ├── meta-boot2qt
        ├── meta-freescale
        ├── meta-freescale-3rdparty
        ├── meta-intel
        ├── meta-mingw
        ├── meta-openembedded
        ├── meta-qt6
        ├── meta-raspberrypi
        ├── meta-tegra
        ├── meta-toradex-bsp-common
        ├── meta-toradex-nxp
        ├── poky
        └── templates -> meta-boot2qt/meta-boot2qt-distro/conf/templates/default

    And the class you are missing is located at:


    Now, if you for some reason dont want to use repo and would like to manually clone the required layers, you are also welcome to do that, you just need to clone meta-qt6:

    git clone

    and add it to your bblayers.conf

    bitbake-layers add-layer <path-to-meta-qt6-layer-you-just-cloned>