I am migrating a script from yq 3 to yq 4 and cannot get one thing working.
I have the following YAML and want to add a list item after targetNamespaces:
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1
kind: OperatorGroup
name: businessautomation-operator
namespace: rhpam-user1
So the output should be:
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1
kind: OperatorGroup
name: businessautomation-operator
namespace: rhpam-user1
- rhpam-user1
This command worked for changing the namespace:
yq eval '.metadata.namespace = "rhpam-user1"' -i ./file.yaml
When I run the following I am getting an error:
yq eval '.spec.targetNamespaces[+] = "rhpam-user1"' -i ./file.yaml
Error: '' expects 2 args but there is 1
I can't seem to get the new yq command structure right...
I am not sure how I missed updating my question with the solution I found, but here it is...
Because there is only one array element I was able to get it working with this:
yq eval ".spec.targetNamespaces[0] = \"rhpam-user1\"" -i ./file.yaml
I did not test the solution suggested by @Inian.