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How to include font file / assets folder to rust binary

I am trying to build a rust game that requires text rendering. The way that I found is:

let font:&Font = &ttf_context.load_font(FONT_PATH, 128)?;

My issue is that this requires the built binary to need to have the font file. What I want is for the binary to contain the font file within itself.

I briefly tried using include_bytes!() and include_dir!() but I couldn't seem to get them to work with &ttf_context.load_font() which expects a &str of the path which just brings me back to the original problem and I get the error "Couldn't open ./assets/Font.ttf"

Is there a way to include the font file in a way such I can still get its path or is there a different way I should render text?

Edit 1: Can I combine the binary and assets folder into a single file such as a .app file for macOS or .exe on windows?


  • There is no way to get a path to the included file, since that file doesn't necesarily exist at runtime and you can only use load_font with files that actually exist in the file system.

    Instead you can use Sdl2TtfContext::load_font_from_rwops with the included bytes like this:

    use sdl2::rwops::RWops;
    let font: &[u8] = include_bytes!("./assets/Font.ttf");
    let font: &Font = &ttf_context
        .load_font_from_rwops(RWops::from_bytes(font)?, 128)?;