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Dictionary Observation Spaces with Gymnasium Vector Environments

I'm trying to adapt some cleanrl code to a robot learning environment. Cleanrl expects the observation space to have a "shape" property, but many simulated robot environments use dictionary observations. Is there a simple way to tell pytorch's SyncVectorEnv how to unwrap a dictionary observation into one it can use?


  • For simple cases, I guess the best way would be to concatenate the observations before SyncVectorEnv, using a custom wrapper. There is a convenient way to do it with Gym:

    class DictConcatWrapper(gym.ObservationWrapper):
        def observation(self, obs):
            # (if dict, concatenate its elements here...)
            return obs

    and later:

    env = ...
    env = DictConcatWrapper(env)
    env = SyncVectorEnv(env)