I was trying to use fastapi users package to quickly Add a registration and authentication system to my FastAPI project which uses the PostgreSQL database. I am using asyncio
to be able to create asynchronous functions.
In the beginning, I used only sqlAlchemy and I have tried their example here. And I added those line of codes to my app/app.py to create the database at the starting of the server. and everything worked like a charm. the table users was created on my database.
async def on_startup():
await create_db_and_tables()
Since I am using SQLModel I added FastAPI Users - Database adapter for SQLModel to my virtual en packages. And I added those lines to fastapi_users/db/__init__.py
to be able to use the SQL model database.
from fastapi_users_db_sqlmodel import ( # noqa: F401
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
I have also modified app/users.py
, to use SQLModelUserDatabase
instead of sqlAchemy one.
async def get_user_manager(user_db: SQLModelUserDatabase = Depends(get_user_db)):
yield UserManager(user_db)
and the app/dp.py
to use SQLModelUserDatabase
, SQLModelBaseUserDB
, here is the full code of app/db.py
import os
from typing import AsyncGenerator
from fastapi import Depends
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession, create_async_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from fastapi_users.db import SQLModelUserDatabase, SQLModelBaseUserDB
from sqlmodel import SQLModel
from app.models import UserDB
DATABASE_URL = os.environ.get("DATABASE_URL")
engine = create_async_engine(DATABASE_URL)
async_session_maker = sessionmaker(
engine, class_=AsyncSession, expire_on_commit=False)
async def create_db_and_tables():
async with engine.begin() as conn:
await conn.run_sync(SQLModel.metadata.create_all)
async def get_async_session() -> AsyncSession:
async_session = sessionmaker(
engine, class_=AsyncSession, expire_on_commit=False
async with async_session() as session:
yield session
async def get_user_db(session: AsyncSession = Depends(get_async_session)):
yield SQLModelUserDatabase(UserDB, session, SQLModelBaseUserDB)
Once I run the code, the table is not created at all. I wonder what could be the issue. I could not understand. Any idea?
By the time I posted this question that was the answer I received from one of the maintainer of fastapi-users
that made me switch to sqlAlchemy
that time, actually I do not know if they officially released sqlModel DB adapter or not
My guess is that you didn't change the
model so that it inherits from theSQLModelBaseUserDB
one. It's necessary in order to letSQLModel
detect all your models and create them.
You can have an idea of what it should look like in
tests: https://github.com/fastapi-users/fastapi-users-db-sqlmodel/blob/3a46b80399f129aa07a834a1b40bf49d08c37be1/tests/conftest.py#L25-L27
Bear in mind though that we didn't officially release this DB adapter; as they are some problems with
(tiangolo/sqlmodel#25). So you'll probably run into issues.
and here is the GitHub link of the issue: https://github.com/fastapi-users/fastapi-users/discussions/861