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Disable admob ads after a click?

Hi All ~ Is that possible to disabled admob ads after clicked ? I tried with this code but nothing happened, can anyone please help me out ? Thanks in advance

    final LinearLayout layout = ( LinearLayout )findViewById( ) ;
    final AdView adView = new AdView( this, AdSize.BANNER, "a11111111b9041" ) ;
    layout.addView( adView ) ;
    adView.setVisibility( View.VISIBLE ) ;
    adView.loadAd( new AdRequest() ) ;

    adView.setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener()
       public void onClick( View v ) 
            layout.removeAllViews() ;
            adView.setVisibility( View.GONE ) ;
             ed.putBoolean( "adsClicked", true ) ;
             ed.commit() ;
      } // onClick() 
    }  );


  • If your class implements AdListener, you can put your disable code into onDismissScreen(). This method is called when the user closes the advertisement and returns to your app.

    For example:

    public class Advertisement implements AdListener{
        // more code here
        public void onDismissScreen(Ad arg0) {
        // more code here