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Django project wait for database ready tests

I am taking a online course about Django. In this courseI am connecting my project with a Postgresql database. For a case that my Django app start before the Postgresql database start, we write a command that delays the app start until Postgresql starts. Here is the command code:

from psycopg2 import OperationalError as Psycopg2OpError

from django.db.utils import OperationalError
from import BaseCommand

class Command(BaseCommand):

    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        """ Entrypoint for command """
        self.stdout.write('Waiting for database...')
        db_up = False
        while db_up is False:
                db_up = True
            except(Psycopg2OpError, OperationalError):
                self.stdout.write('Database unavailable, waiting for 1 second...')

        self.stdout.write('Database available!'))

But I didn't understand the test codes that testing if this commands work. Can you explain these codes logic?

from unittest.mock import patch

from psycopg2 import OperationalError as Psycopg2Error

from import call_command
from django.db.utils import OperationalError
from django.test import SimpleTestCase

class CommandTests(SimpleTestCase):
    """ Test commands """

    def test_wait_for_db_ready(self, patched_check):
        """ Test waiting for database if database is ready"""
        patched_check.return_value = True



    def test_wait_for_db_delay(self, patched_sleep, patched_check):
        """ Test waiting for database when getting OperationalError"""

        patched_check.side_effect = [Psycopg2Error] * 2 + \
            [OperationalError] * 3 + [True]


        self.assertEqual(patched_check.call_count, 6)


  • Background for test utils

    So you are creating a custom Command that you want to execute. Inside your command, you call the function check (see docs).

    Regarding your test case. You are performing 2 test scenarios. But before you run your tests you provide a patch. (See docs)

    The patch will - if used as decorator - be injected either at constructor or function parameter. For your case patched_check. Your patched_check now acts as a mock of your check function.

    What are the test cases doing?

    test_wait_for_db_ready(self, patched_check) validates that self.check is called with the param databases=['default'] exactly once.

    test_wait_for_db_delay validates that if the self.check throws an exception then time.sleep(1) is called 6 times.