I am working on a Google Drive Migration project for migration of Google Drive Files to different destinations.
How do I access a user's Google Drive files of a different (i.e. customer's) Google Workspace.
I read about 2-legged OAuth and 3-legged OAuth https://support.google.com/a/answer/2538798?hl=en
It says "Traditionally with Google, 2-legged OAuth is for administrator-managed applications, in that an administrator grants access to an application to access data for the Google service for ALL users in their domain. Common data requested for access include: Groups Provisioning, User Provisioning, Calendar, and Contacts."
Can I use 2-legged OAuth approach and ask Admin to sign-in and grant permissions to access Google Drive Files and Folders for ALL users in the domain.
If yes, how do I impersonate or access a particular user's Google Drive files using Drive APIs such as: https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files/root or https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files?q={fileid}+in+parents
Even Super Admins of a domain cannot access all users' files by themselves, so you can't just have an administrator log in to your app via OAuth to gain access to the entire domain. The article that you linked says that the 2LO approach has been deprecated and you cannot use it this way anymore:
Important: OAuth 1.0 2LO was entirely deprecated on October 20, 2016. The easiest way to migrate to the new standard is to use OAuth 2.0 service accounts with domain-wide delegation.
Instead, you need a Service Account that has been granted domain-wide delegation on your target domain. Here's an overview of how it works:
Essentially, you need to gather a list of the users, then impersonate them one by one with your service account. With each impersonation you are acting as if you were the user so you can just call the Drive APIs normally to list the user's files and migrate them as needed. Without knowing your language of choice I cannot provide a specific example but I hope this gives you a general idea of how it works.