In Python, when I use readlines() to read from a text file, something that was originally a space will become a literal Unicode character, as shown follows. Where \u2009 is a space in the original text file.
So, I'm using re.sub() to replace these Unicode literal spaces with a normal space.
My code is as follows:
x = "Significant increases in all the lipoprotein fractions were observed in infected untreated mice compared with normal control mice. Treatment with 100 and 250\u2009mg/kg G. lucidum extract produced significant reduction in serum total cholesterol (TC) and low-density cholesterol (LDL-C) contents compared with 500\u2009mg/kg G. lucidum and CQ."
x = re.sub(r'[\x0b\x0c\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f\x85\xa0\u1680\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000]', " ", x)
I don't know if I'm right?
Although the program looks normal, I'm not sure because I don't understand regular expressions well enough.
re.sub("[^\S \t\n\r\f\v]",' ',x)
should do the trick (based on re
— Regular expression operations):
You know that []
is used to indicate a set of characters, and characters that are not within a range can be matched by complementing the set. If the first character of the set is '^'
, all the characters that are not in the set will be matched.
The regex pattern [^\S \t\n\r\f\v]
reads as
(U+005E, Circumflex Accent) Not (\S
(not a whitespace) or\t
(Character Tabulation) or\n
(Line Feed (LF)) or\r
(Carriage Return (CR)) or\f
(Form Feed (FF)) or\v
(Line Tabulation)
Distributing the outer not (i.e., the complementing ^
in the character class) with De Morgan's law, this is equivalent to “whitespace except any of [ \t\n\r\f\v]
Including both \r
and \n
in the pattern correctly handles all of Unix (LF), classic Mac OS (CR), and Windows-ish (CR+LF) newline conventions.
Included a space itself (we do not need translate a space to space)…
For Unicode (str
) patterns:
Matches Unicode whitespace characters (which includes [ \t\n\r\f\v]
, and also many other characters, for example the non-breaking spaces mandated by typography rules in many languages)…
Partially applied the following answer: Regex – Match whitespace but not newlines