Search code examples

How to check if there is a key in collection that has more than one value?

My collection looks something like this:

    _id: 'some value',
    'product/productId': 'some value',
    'product/title': 'some value',
    'product/price': 'unknown'
    _id: 'some value',
    'product/productId': 'some value',
    'product/title': 'some value',
    'product/price': '12.57'

My goal is to find if there are any products that have more than one price. Values of the key "product/price" can be "unknown" or numerical (e.g. "12.75"). Is there a way to write an aggregation pipeline for that or do I need to use a map-reduce algorithm? I tried both options but didn't find the solution.


  • If I've understood correctly you can try this aggregation pipeline:

    First of all, the _id field is (or should be) unique, so I think you mean another field like id.

    So the trick is to group by that id and get all prices into an array. Then filter using $match to get only documents where the total of prices is greater than 1.

        "$group": {
          "_id": "$id",
          "price": {
            "$push": "$product/price"
        "$match": {
          "$expr": {
            "$gt": [ { "$size": "$price" }, 1 ]

    Example here

    As added into comments for Joe if you want consider identical values as the same you have to use $addToSet

    Example here