I'm using interceptor to display a progress bar, everything work's if I either refresh the page or just use single item filter, but I also have a modal that has the ability to filter by couple items, and even if I select only 1 thing from that filter(etc price) the progress bar gets displayed, interceptors logs true that it has been started but i never get false logged in console, so it just spins until i go back to the main page
UPDATE: seems like the problem is that loadings.size stays at 1 even tho call is ended.
constructor(private loader:LoadingService) {}
request: HttpRequest<unknown>,
next: HttpHandler
): Observable<HttpEvent<unknown>> {
this.loader.handle(request.url, true);
return next
catchError((error: any) => {
this.loader.handle(error.url, true);
return error;
map((evt: any) => {
if (evt instanceof HttpResponse) {
this.loader.handle(evt.url!, false);
return evt;
loading Service
loadingEmitter: Subject<boolean> = new Subject<boolean>();
loadings: Map<string, boolean> = new Map<string, boolean>();
constructor() {}
handle(url: string, loadingStatus: boolean): void {
if (loadingStatus) {
this.loadings.set(url, loadingStatus);
} else if (!loadingStatus && this.loadings.has(url)) {
if (this.loadings.size == 0) {
view page where i check query params and do filtering
cards!: any[];
constructor( private route:ActivatedRoute,private filterS:FilterServiceService) {}
ngOnInit(): void {
this.route.queryParams.subscribe((params) => {
if (params['Id']) {
this.filterS.filterByCategoryId(params['Id']).subscribe((response:any) => this.cards = response);
} else {
this.filterS.getByAllCategory(params).subscribe((response:any) => this.cards = response)
tried to move the html/ts code in other components but no change
FIXED THE ISSUE : The solution was to change this line of code:
this.loader.handle(request.url, true); => this.loader.handle(request.urlWithParams, true)
on the multi-filter I use HTTP params to send requests, I'm guessing that was causing the issue,